I just wanted to officially and personally say
Thank You for supporting Local 706 Hair Craft.
Thank You for supporting me personally and professionally.
I honor our relationship personally and professionally.
Pacific Instruments is an awesome awesome company.
The tools and shears you make are absolutely the best I have
ever purchased. I thought I had to pay $500.00 or more far a
Decent pair of shears but now I know that you can provide me with
the same quality of the high end shears at a reasonable price.
Thank You for having integrity, quality and compassion for
our industry.
You are truly a hero for all of us to admire in this crazy industry.
Thank you again Pacific Instruments for your dedication and support.
Sincerely Yours
Local 706 Hair Craft President
Yolanda Johnson
I am sending you a note to let you know how much I appreciate you!
And by the way your Shears are the absolute best! My set bag
Is never complete unless I am equipped with your shears and tweezers.
I cannot believe how sharp the tweezers are and how precise they are.
Precise and sharp is what you expect from shears, but you have a double
Hit with the your shears and tweezers both meeting the sharp edge that
I need to be consistent all the time. The tweezers are perfect for lash applications and the shears bring balance for my precision haircuts!
Keep up the Sharp Tools and Workmanship!!! You are always rocking
A sharp edge in my set bag!
Sincerely Yours
Yolanda Johnson
I am sending you a note to let you know how much I appreciate you!
And by the way your Shears are the absolute best! My set bag is never complete unless I am equipped with your shears and tweezers.
I can not believe how sharp the tweezers are and how precise they are.
Precise and sharp is what you expect from shears, but you have a double hit with the your shears and tweezers both meeting the sharp edge that
I need to be consistent all the time. The tweezers are perfect for lash applications and the shears bring balance for my precision haircuts!
Keep up the Sharp Tools and Workmanship!!! You are always rocking.
A sharp edge in my set bag!
Sincerely Yours
Yolanda Johnson
My Shears are truly an extension of my hand when I am cutting hair. The shear that I feel gives me a precise cut and glides through the hair with ease. I would recommend these fine products to anyone and they are manufactured by Pacific Instruments.
Doris f. Mosley
Endorse by

I had been introduced to Pacific Instruments from an event I attended. Pacific Instruments told me about his product. My name is Jeffrey Fetzer and I have cut some of the most famous stars in Hollywood. I worked with the Shears from Pacific Instruments and was so pleased with the precision of the blades to the cutting of the hair. I was able to get smooth lines, angled cuts and a clean finish. My clients which include everyone from Heidi Klum to Grace Jones, I know how important my hair cuts and styling are to the stars. And to have such an amazing product at my fingertips, makes my job easier.
Jeffrey Fetzer
Hair & Makeup
Alfre Woodard, Cher, Cybil Shepard, Elizabeth Taylor, Kate Capshaw, Kate Hudson, Goldie Hawn, Madonna, Natlie Cole, Grace Jones, Sharon Stone, Whoopi Goldberg, Sophia Loren, Olivia De Havilland, Faye Dunaway, Susan Sarandon, John Travolta, Micheal Douglas, Kenny Johnson
Clientel Cosmetic
Almay, Cover Girl, Max Factor, Chanel, Mac, Lancome
Production Companys
Radical Media, Disney Dexter Films, Sony, Warner Bros, Dreamworks
Nike, AT&T, Motorola, Sprint, American Express, Mercedes Benz, Revlon, Rolex, Lexus, Mastercard, Powerade, Kellog's